Worldwide Logistics India Private Ltd

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Worldwide Logistics India Private Ltd
Private Sector - Private Limited Company
WWL Tower | Plot/Shed No.C-10, 3rd Cross Street | Thiru-Vi-Ka Industrial Estate |Guindy
Chennai - 600032

No. of Branches : 2 | Total No. of Staffs : 100 - 500

About Employer

Worldwide Logistics (India) Pvt Ltd (ISO 9001:2008 certified) is a distinguishable identity that is built in the minds of a large number of satisfied customers. This identity is a result of the service excellence they had been experiencing since the day they chose this company as a single point solution for all their logistics needs.

The WWL group began their ventures in India by establishing the Indian subsidiary of Worldwide Logistics Inc, USA which, after the management buyout became Worldwide logistics (India) Pvt Ltd. in the year 2000.

The Worldwide group later expanded its service spectrum by acquiring a few more companies in the related sectors, which made the group completely equipped to become an Integrated Logistics Service Provider (ILSP). At present the Worldwide group also includes,

M/s Trans Global Logistics– Custom brokerage.

WWL group acquired TRANS GLOBAL LOGISTICS which is a custom brokerage arm of the group operating from all major port cities of the country. This facilitates the group to provide enhanced services to the customer viz. documentation, letter of credit services, marine insurance, and customs consulting besides handling brokerage services.

Worldwide Centre of Logistics Excellence

Headquartered at Chennai that is well acclaimed as the emerging Detroit of South Asia, we have own offices in all the major cities that have strategic importance in the map of India, for providing countrywide logistic service.

Branch Details

S.No City Address
1 Chennai Worldwide Logistics India Pvt Ltd, WWL Tower, Plot No.C-10, 3rd Cross Street, Thiru-vi-ka Industrial Estate, Guindy.
2 Thoothukudi Worldwide Logistics (India) Pvt. Ltd, No.181, AVM Jewel Centre, 2nd Floor, North Cotton Road, Tuticorin – 628 001

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032

   6380993798 .

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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM