SATYA Microcapital Limited

Employer Logo
SATYA Microcapital Limited
Public limited company
1st Floor F2, 5/90 A, Butt Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai - –600016
Chennai - 600016

No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : 1001-25000

About Employer

SATYA MicroCapital Limited is a Delhi based, RBI-registered “NBFC-MFI” which launched its microfinance operations in January 2017. In a short span of Six years, SATYA has registered an impressive growth and has emerged as one of the fastest growing Highly Technology driven Micro Finance Institutions in the country.

SATYA has focused its entire microfinance operations to significantly contribute to women empowerment by generating additional income earning opportunities thus making more visible economic contributions for better living and future building of their children leading to growth in women’s self-confidence, self-esteem and their status in their family, wider community & society. SATYA is an institution built with a vision of change, transformation and is a differentiator in the financial inclusion space. Through its diverse range of loan products and technologically sound operations, the company aims to add a social touch to lending by integrating modern technology into the Micro Finance industry.

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032

   6380993798 .

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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM