Hdb financial services ltd

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Hdb financial services ltd
Public limited company
Coimbatore - 641009

No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : 500 - 1000

About Employer

HDB Financial Services Ltd is a subsidiary of HDFC Bank Limited.


This is a leading NBFC that caters to the growing needs of an Aspirational India, serving both individuals and business clients.  Company was incorporated in 2007, we are well established business with strong capitalisation.  HDBFS is accredited with CARE AAA & CRISIL AAA ratings for its long term debt and Bank facilities and an A1+ rating for its short term debt and commercial papers, making it strong and reliable financial institution.


We offer a wide range of secured and unsecured loans to out customers.  We provide a one-stop shop for all requirements, be it loans, investments or protection.

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032


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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM