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Limited Liability Company
Chennai - 600087

No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : 50 - 100

About Employer

Indomer Coastal Hydraulics (P) Ltd. is the leading oceanographic organisation in India promoted by former scientist of CSIR - National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa under CSIR-NIO Technology Promotion Scheme in 1998.  Dr. P. Chandramohan, Managing Director of the Company has served 22 years in CSIR-NIO as Scientist and Head, Ocean Engineering division.  Indomer is a MSME registered organization and also has accreditation of ISO 9001:2015, NABET- QCI accreditation for MoEFCC EIA studies and NABL certificate for water testing laboratory.  The organisation was established in April 1998 and it has emerged today as the best equipped and scientifically managed Institution to undertake multidisciplinary oceanographic investigations, design, analysis, engineering, data collection & interpretation, EIA & EMP studies, Modelling studies & Mooring analysis, planning and project management. Indomer has provided expertise to various Governmental and private sectors for more than 850 projects in various fields of oceanography.

The organisation has grown to become equivalent to some of the top R&D institutes in the country with a wide range of infrstructure that is on par with its global peers and with a strength of 60 staff members of which 18 are subject experts with Doctaral degree, having scientific track records and 17 have a Post graduate degree. Indomer has got potential and provides employment opportunities for Diploma holders, Engineering graduates, Post graduates and Ph.D. holders. Indomer further supports rural development programmes, community centre development, women's participation in self employment particularly among fishermen community.  Indomer also provides effective training to the students to compete and get employment oppotunities in national and international level.

Indomer carries out the projects with utmost care of European Quality at Chinese Price and Indian Talent. INDOMER has developed unique expertise in carrying out Port planning/design, Marine EIA studies for ports/intakes/outfalls, Desalination plants, Effluent plants, Fishing harbours etc. 

Some of the FLAGSHIP PROJECTS of Indomer's contributions for the nation building are: World Bank Project on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Odisha, Marine EIA studies for VK-PCPIR, Study on Sea level rise and Coastal erosion modelling for DHOLERA, Hud-Hud cyclone damages at Visakhapatnam port, Impact of Phailin cyclone at Gopalpur, Desalination plant for Chennai Metro water, Sethusamudram Ship Channel for Govt. of India, Tsunami Devastation surveys for Tamil Nadu and Andaman Islands, Monitoring of Chilika Lake and Pulicat Lake, Seawater Intake/Outfall for Nuclear Power Plants, Environmental Monitoring studies.

In our future expansion, we are planning to set up Hydraulic Research Laboratory in SIPCOT, Theni, to engage in Wave flume studies to conduct research and laboratory tests on Ports & Habour Layouts,  which will provide employment opportunities. 

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032

   6380993798 .

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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM