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Partnership Firm
Coimbatore - 641006

No. of Branches : 1 | Total No. of Staffs : 50 - 100

About Employer

Deccan brand submersible pumpset was launched in the year 1981 by Deccan Industries. The founder Er K.K.Veluchamy B.E. Hons., was a great technology and developed several new range of pumpsets to suit the diverse topographical conditions of the country. His innovation products such as integral vane diffuser submersible pump, close coupled submersible pumpset were highly successful. This catapulted the company to be among the leading pump manufacturers of the company.

Er K.K.Veluchamy established Deccan Industries with the first exculsive production for submersible pumpsets in the country. Vertical openwell submersible pumpsets was his innovation. Under his leadership Deccan became the first company to obtain ISI marking for pumpsets in South India.

Karvel brand was established in memory of Er K.K.Veluchamy. Karvel pumpsets are technically superior to the first generation vertical openwells. These pumpsets provide higher discharge and is highly energy saving. To prove the point Karvel has obtained the BEE star labelling for highest number of openwell Submersible pumpsets.

Deccan is the anglicised form of Tamil word ‘THEKKANAM’ meaning south .The company was established in the year 1981 at Coimbatore, South India. Coimbatore city is credited with the manufacture of first pump and electric motor in India in the year 1930 and 1937 respectively Our founder Er.K.K.Veluchamy’s B.E Hons childhood dreams of creating a device for lifting water from deep wells is the inspiration for him to establish Deccan Industries. He was a pioneer in the field of submersible pumpsets and credited with developing submersible pumpsets for depths higher than 1000 feet. Deccan Industries was the first company to exclusively manufacture submersible pumpsets Deccan submersible are first in Coimbatore to obtain ISI marking .For all his achievements our founder was honored with Six National awards including the “UDYOG PATRA” from the Honourable President of India.

“A new perspective in pump design” motto set by our founder is our motivation to continually if develop new products and improve our existing product range

Branch Details

S.No City Address
1 Coimbatore 1390 sathy road, ganapathy, coimbatore

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032

   6380993798 .

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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM