Moonlight Auto Pvt Ltd

Employer Logo
Moonlight Auto Pvt Ltd
Private Sector - Private Limited Company
A8 Bearing Survey No.67P 68P and 70P, , Sipcot Industrial Area Pillaipakkam, Sriperumpudur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 602105
Kancheepuram - 602105

No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : 50 - 100

About Employer

The Moonlight group was incorporated in the year 1989 with an idea to take over the established family business of partnership concern started in the year 1968 in Ludhiana, Punjab (India). Since then the company has grown steadily in size and capability. The company became Private Limited in 1990 and subsequently Deemed Limited in1998 by generating and contributing to the growth of sales every year.


Award / Achievement

The company has achieved various awards like National Outstanding Performance Award, Export Performance Award by Honda, Best Quality Supplier Award -Honda, Best Performance Award - Maruti, etc. A rich quality control division marks our singular focus on quality and precision. We are TS-16949:2009 Certified Co. by VINCOTTE.



MAPL Chennai Plant Profile


Carear Path



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Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032

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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM