F Robin Polymers Private Limited

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F Robin Polymers Private Limited
Private Sector - Private Limited Company
SF.NO.6/600,Chinnupatti,Reddiyapatti post,Kombaipatti,Batlagundu
Dindigul - 624202

No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : 50 - 100

About Employer

F.Robin Polymers is one of The Reputed Polypropylene Woven Bags Manufacturers in India. We adhere to most of the technologies as International Export Standards in our units. We make polypropylene Woven Bags and Sacks as per our customer’s specification regarding Dimension and Weight.

The entire land area of our factory premises is 15 acres. Our factory building is built in 2 lack sq.ft. Our factory includes Well Constructed Offices, Machinery Halls, Maintenace Room, Production Raw Materials and Production Materials Storage Warehouses, Store Room for Machinery Spare Parts Materials, Power House & UPS Rooms, Playing Field, Cafeteria, Dining Hall, Parking Lot, Labour Mansions and Hygienic Toilets.

We also provide healthy and safe Welfare Facilities and suitable Working Environment for everyone in the workplace, including people with disabilities.                                                                                                                    Welfare Facilities – Clean and Hygienic Drinking Water, Pollution Free Air, Healthy Tasty Food and Clean Dining Hall for eating, Hygienic Medical Facilities and Adequate Number of Toilets and Wash Basins.                              Healthy Work Environment – We provide a clean and healthy Workplace with a Good working Temperature, Good Ventilation, Adequate Lighting and Adequate Space and Seating for working.                                                        A Safe Workplace – We constantly monitor and provide well-maintained Buildings with Strong Ventilation,           easy-to-open and Clean Windows, well-maintained Safe Vehicles and unobstructed Traffic Routes to the factory

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032


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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM