Tecknoweld Alloys India Pvt Ltd

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Tecknoweld Alloys India Pvt Ltd
Private Sector - Private Limited Company
B 37, Sipcot Industrial Growth Centre,Oragadam,Sriperumbudur,
Kancheepuram - 602105

No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : 100 - 500

About Employer

Tecknoweld Alloys India Pvt. Ltd., World's largest manufacturer of composite weld overlay plates, catering to the wear protection requirements of core sectors like coal-fired Power, cement, Mining, Iron & Steel and their OEMs in India and Overseas. Tecknoweld products are being exported to countries in Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe and the Americas.

Tecknoweld products cover an entire spectrum of hard facing including simple Chromium Carbides, complex Carbides, Titanium Carbides, Tungsten Carbides, Chromium Borides and PTA applied Tungsten Carbides.

A fully equipped Material Testing NABL accredited Lab excersises rigid control over incoming raw materials.Our State-of-the-Art Metallurgical Lab sports LECO Globe Discharge Spectro and Olympus Image Analyser.Wear testing lab with ASTM G 65 Dry Abrasion and ASTM G 76 AIrjet Erosion Test Rigs stimulate abrasive and erosive environment,even at high temperature of upto 800 deg C and confirm that wear properties are as per product design.

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032


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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM