First Solar India Solar Ventures Private Limited

Employer Logo
First Solar India Solar Ventures Private Limited
Private Sector - Private Limited Company
Plot Nos. A-1/1 and A-1/2, SIPCOT Industrial Park, Pillaipakkam,
Kancheepuram - 602105

No. of Branches : 0 | Total No. of Staffs : > 1000

About Employer

First Solar has long understood its responsibility towards the planet, the community, and its customers. 

The company places sustainability at the heart of everything it does, setting its sights on exceeding industry standards, not merely meeting them.

Today, First Solar has a long history of establishing benchmarks in recycling, supply chain transparency, the carbon and water footprint of photovoltaic (PV) technology, and health and safety.

   Tamil Nadu Skill Development Department Office, 1st Floor, Alandur Rd,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600032

   6380993798 .

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   Last modified date: 14/02/2023 01:15 PM